Hiatus Announcement

本文一共:620 个字,需要阅读:2 分钟,更新时间:2024年8 月21日,部分内容具有时效性,如有失效请留言,阅读量:17

Dear readers,

Hello, everyone! This is Morax Cheng.

As the new school year begins at BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour, I will be facing more academic responsibilities and challenges. To better focus on my studies, I have decided to temporarily pause updates on my blog.

This doesn’t mean that I’m abandoning the blog, but rather that I plan to return with more interesting ideas and content once my studies are more settled. Thank you all for your continuous support and understanding.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out through the email:Yixuan.Cheng401244-biph@basischina.com. Once again, thank you for your support!

Wishing everyone a successful new school year!

Morax Cheng

August 21, 2024

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